Humanoids are stupid. Laugh at them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

U.S. victims seek $$ from Palestinian Authority

Federal officials yesterday announced they would not interfere with efforts by American victims of terrorist attacks in Israel to collect $290 million in judgments they won against the Palestinian Authority.

But in a letter to federal District Court Judge Victor Marrero, Department of Justice officials would not rule out intervening in other terror victims’ lawsuits, including one filed by two Bay State families.

“The United States supports just compensation for victims of terrorism from those responsible for their losses . . .” Acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey S. Bucholtz wrote. “At the same time, the United States remains concerned about the potentially significant impact that these cases may have on the financial and political viability of the defendants.”

Are you kidding? I'm not pro-terroism, but that like 89% of the GDP of Palestine...they don't have that money! Way to ruffle more feathers, my compatriots.


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