Humanoids are stupid. Laugh at them.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mars Landers Easy Bake on it's last legs....

So far, no life has been found on Mars. Not even a minute trace of past possibility, really.
And though it saddens me (and astro's across the planet), the quest for life may end sooner than all had hoped.
Last month, there was a short circuit in the easy bake. Scientists and engineers are not sure if the problem will repeat the next time they bake Martian soil.

"Since there is no way to assess the probability of another short circuit occurring, we are taking the most conservative approach and treating the next sample ... as possibly our last," the NASA mission's chief scientist, Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson, said in a statement Wednesday.

In the last experiment, the ice melted into VAPOR (skipping the liquid phase) and so the oven results found no traces of water (though we have photographic evidence).
Scientists want to bake another soil sample mixed with icy bits in another oven next week. Since this could be the last time researchers conduct this experiment, they planned extensive testing on Earth to make sure they can quickly get the icy soil into the oven before the ice evaporates.
heres hopin....

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