Humanoids are stupid. Laugh at them.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Democratic Dark Side


All the major Democratic candidates for president have signed a pledge promising they will only go to Florida or Michigan when they want to raise money.
Among the really bad ideas in the history of the Democratic Party, this ranks somewhere between butterfly ballots and William Jennings Bryan.
An interjection: WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN IS my FAVORITE character in American history (character, becuase history is a story, not a fact. Just like the bible.) Anyways, WJB would have been a great president. And a fabulous ancestor. If only.... I mean come on! Clearly the trans-continental railroad was a terrible idea, and whomever believes that Darwinism crap is just Satanic. The only thing worse than evolution is that DAMNED WHISKEY!!! (and yet....I still love him...)

What a BABE.
Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama have all vowed to honor the Democratic National Committee rule that only New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada can hold primaries before Feb. 5. At the urging of the Democratic chairs of the four firsties, they signed a pact promising not to campaign in any state that tries to break into the front of the line. There is, however, an exception for “activities specifically related to raising campaign resources.”

Florida has moved to Jan. 29, and Michigan to Jan. 15. Cue the Democratic Death Star.


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