Humanoids are stupid. Laugh at them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This is a me post.

Today, I stop shunning the title w00k which some of you have rudely given me.
Due to a series of coincidences, I found myself looking like QUEEN w00k today.
It's a beautiful day, so I wear my flower child skirt. And what flower child would not put a braid crown atop her head?
It's a beautiful day, so I take my umbrella out of my bag.

I end up getting out of class and proceeding to plow through the silly students hovering under the entrance. I proceed to get literally soaked through on my walk ACROSS comm ave.
Get on train.
Rain is cleansing. It's rejuvenating. And lets be honest, it's just fun.

Get off train. Only 50% of the sky is dropping at once.
Walk home, barefoot. Through puddles. Across streets. Liang laughed at me.
Still smiling.
of course the moment I turned onto my alley, the rain stopped.
don't care.
I love rain.


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